common questions asked


Oct 18 • 1 minute read

At OCD , we receive many calls from patients wanting to know how much a treatment will cost. Unfortunately, we are not able to give those quotes over the phone .
-a dental exam needs to be done to identify the exact problem.
-x-rays need to be taken
-treatment options need to discussed with your dentist
To the patient calling, their tooth hurts or they are in pain.
They often want
the tooth extracted . Your dentist must determine the cause of the problem .
WHY does the tooth hurt ?
-gum disease etc..
At OCD, we understand that when you are in pain , you just want relief.
Our commitment to you, is to provide you with exceptional dental treatment . To advise you of all your options . To resolve your issue and relieve any pain or discomfort you are feeling.
We will get you in to see a dentist ASAP.

Please call us to book your appointment!!

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