

Nov 30 • 1 minute read


With all the festivities and hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's easy to let daily routines slide.

Here are some oral care tips for the holiday season.

Everything in moderation
-snacks and drinks 
-try to limit those sugary and acidic drinks 
-drinking water between alcoholic drinks is always a good idea
-try to choose sugar-free juices 
-for children -dilute those sugary fruit drinks with water
-watch out for those sticky chocolates and candies
-choose nuts and cheese snacks when possible
-fresh fruit -always a healthy alternative

Keep up your oral hygiene routine
-remember to brush and rinse before opening presents 
-don’t go to bed without brushing and flossing (no matter how tempting )
-your child's favourite holiday song while brushing is a great way to remind children to brush for two minutes

Sugar-free gum
-chew sugar-free gum 
-helps produce saliva to fight bacteria

Drinking water with your meal
-offers a healthy and natural way to cleanse the mouth by dislodging and flushing out food debris.

A great stocking stuffer idea
-new toothbrushes for the family

Don't forget all the photos you'll be appearing inThere's still time to get that perfect holiday smile!
Whether that is a professional whitening treatment or a professional cleaning.
Call us today!!

Your OCD team wishes you and your family a SAFE and HAPPY holiday season!!!

Please Don’t DRINK and DRIVE

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