common questions asked

tooth fracture

Jun 23 • 1 minute read

What is a tooth fracture?
A tooth fracture is also known as a broken tooth. The fracture maybe minor, for example the enamel ( the harder outside outer surface of the tooth)may be chipped.  In this case the tooth  is not displaced and there’s no bleeding from the gums.
A fracture may include both the enamel and the Dentin( the layer under the enamel). The tooth is still not displaced and they’re still no bleeding however;  this needs to be treated as soon as possible because if the dentin  is over exposed to or a bacteria this may lead to the death of the pulp the (living tooth tissue). 
This can lead to a serious infection. 
In a serious fracture , the pulp may be exposed or damaged. The tooth may be loose and the gums may bleed .
In this case extraction of the affected  tooth or root canal treatment may be required.
Never leave a broken tooth without getting proper dental care!
Call us immediately if you break a tooth ! 

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