common questions asked

extractions, sealants and implants

Jun 17 • 1 minute read

What is an extraction and why do I need it?
An extraction is the removal of a tooth. Removing a tooth becomes necessary when a tooth sustains damage that can not be restored. This can result from decay, gum disease or injury.
Getting a tooth extracted is important because the tooth can cause a lot of pain if it is not removed . Bacteria from damaged tooth can also spread very quickly . 
What are sealants?
Sealants fill  the crevices on the chewing surfaces of your child’s teeth . This prevents food particles from getting caught between teeth causing cavities .
The procedure for dental sealants is fast and comfortable for your child and can protect their teeth for years to come . 
Ask your dentist or hygienist if sealants are right for your child !
Facts about dental implants
If you have good  oral health and good bone density , dental implants may be the perfect solution. 
Dental implants can replace missing teeth , but also; can secure a bridge or denture.  They are secured independently which makes them much stronger than traditional tooth replacement options. 
They look feel and function just like natural teeth .
Call us to book your consultation today !

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