common questions asked

a little bit of everything!

Aug 31 • 1 minute read

Chewing, grinding, pressing, salivating. When we chew, the tongue and the cheeks work together to constantly move the food between the teeth so that it can be chewed. The tongue presses the crushed food against the palate. Then it is ready to be swallowed.
Sucking on cough drops can ruin your teeth. Cough drops contain sugar . By keeping them in your mouth , you are exposing your teeth and gums to constant sugar intake.
Best option : Sugar free cough drops
The first day outfit is ready. The 
school supplies have been purchased . New backpacks are waiting to be filled . OCD wants to send your child back to school with a HEALTHY BRIGHT SMILE , to match the enthusiasm of their first day of the new school year!!!!
Call us to book your child’s checkup and cleaning!! 
OCD wants to remind you that we also fit professional MOUTHGUARDS  for your student athlete .
We recommend mouth guards for any contact sport or activity.
You’ll need:
I banana 
1/2 cup milk or milk substitute (almond milk works too)
1/4  - 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 
Serves : 1
That’s it!!!

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