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Periodontal Disease

Jul 29 • 2 minute read

Periodontal Disease


Also, known as gum disease. Periodontal disease is generally caused by plaque (a sticky film that forms on the surfaces of teeth. If not professionally removed by your hygienist. The plaque builds up and becomes hard. This is called tartar.

While practicing proper oral health at home is key to avoiding plaque buildup. Your hygienist is the only one that can remove tartar buildup from your teeth.


Healthy gums should be firm and pink. When you have Periodontal disease the gums tend to be red and swollen. They also bleed when you brush, a clear sign of periodontal disease.


Periodontal disease can cause sensitivity, pain and infection. If left untreated you will eventually lose teeth.


Gums are the supporting structure for teeth. When the bones in your gums are damaged they can no longer support your teeth. Therefore, loss of teeth will occur.


Symptoms to watch for:

•Bleeding gums when you brush or floss

•Gum recession (teeth appear longer)

•Bad breath and or a bad taste in your mouth

•Increased sensitivity to hot or cold

•gaps appearing in your smile


Gum disease has been linked to serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes and bacterial infections as well as other serious health conditions.


While the thought of losing teeth can be traumatic for most. There are steps you can take to prevent Periodontal disease :

  • Brush at least twice per day
  • Floss at least once per day
  • See your dentist and hygienist at least every 6 months
  • If you notice signs of periodontal disease. See your dentist immediately.


If you have a periodontal disease your dentist will recommend you see a dentist that treats periodontal disease. At this appointment you will have a thorough examination of your teeth and gums .and X-rays will be taken. Your teeth will be deep cleaned to remove tartar buildup. Your treatment involves cleaning under the gums of the root surfaces. This removes bacterial deposits that cause Periodontal disease. You will be given a treatment plan that may include periodontal surgery. This can be done under anesthesia for your comfort. You will also receive oral hygiene instruction.


If you are seeing signs of Periodontal disease, don’t wait until your regularly scheduled appointment. See your dentist immediately. If you are diagnosed with Periodontal disease, you must follow the treatment plan you are given. The loss of teeth is not inevitable. If you take proper care of your smile, it will last you a lifetime! Also, considering the links between serious illnesses and periodontal disease, this makes seeking treatment for periodontal disease a crucial part of your overall well-being!


We have a dentist on our team that treats periodontal disease, therefore you can be treated at our office, no need to travel elsewhere.


Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to diagnose, treat or be a substitute for professional medical or dental advice.


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